How Personal Injury Lawyers in Denver Navigate Dog Bite Cases

Published on Oct 12, 2023 | Last Modified on Jul 09, 2024


  • Dog bite laws in Denver involve strict liability and negligence doctrines.
  • Strict liability holds owners accountable for bites, regardless of prior knowledge of aggression.
  • Negligence requires proving the owner failed to control the dog, causing harm.
  • Personal injury lawyers evaluate incidents, gather evidence, and determine claimable damages.
  • They guide clients through legal processes, including settlement and litigation if necessary.

Dog bites can be a traumatic experience for children and adults alike. While dog bites are not the leading cause of hospitalization or death, injuries resulting from dog bites may require medical or legal attention. If the injuries are serious enough, it may be necessary to hire a personal injury attorney to help you seek compensation.

A personal injury lawyer can play a crucial role in helping you navigate the legal complexities surrounding your case. Read on to understand the role of personal injury lawyers in handling dog bite cases.

Understanding Dog Bite Laws in Denver

When navigating dog bite cases, two doctrines often come into play: strict liability and negligence. Under strict liability, a dog owner can be liable for injuries caused by their pet, regardless of whether they were negligent or aware of their dog’s aggressive behavior.

Negligence involves demonstrating that the dog owner failed to exercise reasonable care in controlling their pet, resulting in injuries. To determine negligence, you must prove the following elements:

  • Duty of care
  • Breach of duty
  • Causation
  • Damages

How Personal Injury Lawyers in Denver Navigate Dog Bite Cases

In Denver, various dog bite laws are outlined in the Denver Municipal Code, Section 8-60. These laws are designed to protect residents and hold dog owners accountable for their pet’s aggressive behavior.

Knowledgeable dog bite lawyers can help you understand the laws applicable to a personal injury claim involving serious injuries and damages caused by a dog.

The Role of Personal Injury Lawyers in Dog Bite Cases

Case evaluation and investigation

A personal injury attorney can thoroughly assess the dog bite incident and conduct an in-depth investigation. They gather important evidence, such as medical records, photographs, and witness statements, and use the information to determine liability.

An attorney will determine the damages you may be able to claim in a dog bite case, such as pain and suffering and emotional damages. They help calculate economic damages as well, such as medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs.

An attorney maintains clear communication with their dog bite clients to ensure they are updated on case progress and needs. They will explain legal options and possible outcomes, protect your rights, and support you throughout the case.


If a lawsuit must be filed due to serious bodily injury caused by a dog, a personal injury attorney will be able to help you navigate the complexities of the case, discovery, motions practice, settlement, and if necessary, trial.

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Need help navigating your dog bite injury case in Denver? Contact Whalen Injury Lawyers for the quality legal assistance you deserve.

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