102 S. Tejon Street, Suite 1100 Colorado Springs, CO 80903
If you live in Colorado Springs and have been injured in a car accident, you need a reputable car accident injury lawyer to ensure that you are adequately represented and able to recover the compensation you are entitled to receive. An experienced car accident lawyer in Colorado Springs can accurately evaluate the facts of your case, determine who is truly at fault, and explain your best options. Since there is a statute of limitations for filing a personal injury lawsuit in Colorado, you need a trained car accident lawyer to make sure your claim is handled properly, your rights are protected, and action is taken in an efficient and timely manner.
Whalen Injury Lawyers is a team of dedicated, experienced car accident lawyers who are recognized leaders in Personal Injury Law and Consumer Rights and Advocacy. Our skilled lawyers understand how devastating a car accident can be, and we’re here to help make sure you get fairly compensated for any injuries, lost wages, loss of personal property, or past and future medical expenses you suffer as a result of a car accident. Damages in auto & car accident cases include loss of property, financial losses relating to medical expenses and lost wages, physical injury, pain and suffering, emotional distress, diminished quality of life, disfigurement and permanent physical impairment.
Car Accident Settlement
Dog Bite Attack Settlement
Motor Vehicle Settlement
Insurance companies are known to settle claims too quickly, often leading to a one-sided deal that doesn’t comprehend the totality of your injuries and losses and without all the necessary information in an attempt to keep their costs at a minimum. Our dynamic team of auto & car accident lawyers in Colorado Springs exclusively represent clients against insurance companies and corporations in personal injury matters. We aren’t afraid to take on these large companies and corporations on your behalf, and we have a history of winning for our clients that is undeniable. Our award-winning lawyers are accomplished trial lawyers with result driven success in Personal Injury Law. We have obtained millions of dollars in 2018 settlements and judgments alone, including hundreds of thousands of dollars in car accident settlements; “Small Firm Relationships, Big Firm Results!”
At Whalen Injury Lawyers we offer a different approach to personal injury representation. The lawyers at our firm establish direct, meaningful, trusted and reliable relationships with you, our clients. We work closely with you to ensure that you get the medical treatment you need, the support you deserve, and the representation your families depend on.
When you need an experienced, empathetic, qualified car injury lawyer with a proven track record of success who will fight to get you what you deserve, contact us today. You can reach us at (719) 644-7000 to speak with our car accident lawyers in Colorado Springs and learn more.
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