Colorado Springs Drunk Driving Accident Attorneys

102 S. Tejon Street, Suite 1100 Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Call Us: (719) 644-7000

There is no disputing that drunk driving is a major cause of deadly automobile accidents in the United States. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drunk driving claims the lives of over 10,000 people in the United States every year. In 2017, there were over 3,500 fatal and injury crashes involving drunk drivers. This is a sobering statistic, especially given the fact that it does not include motorcyclists, scooter riders, bicyclists, or pedestrians who may have been involved in an accident caused by a drunk driver. Driving drunk is a serious hazard to the general public, including the drunk driver.

In a September 20, 2018 news article, The Gazette posted these drunk driving statistics:

  • In 2017, Colorado Springs police arrested 1,909 impaired drivers — about five per day. Some drivers are three- and four-time repeat offenders, Lt. John Koch said.
  • The Colorado Department of Transportation reported a 16 percent increase in alcohol- and drug-related fatalities in 2017 over 2016.
  • Preliminary data released by CDOT showed that of the state’s 427 fatal crashes through Sept. 17 of this year, 141 have been linked to impaired driving.
  • Drunken driving has accounted for 14 to 20 fatal crashes in Colorado Springs each year since 2012, police records show.

The article went on to report: “There are a lot of things that we respond to that are accidents or mistakes— you know, you rear-end the car in front of you just because it stopped, those things are accidents,” Koch said. “A DUI crash, that’s not an accident. You didn’t accidentally get behind the wheel and start driving while you were drunk.”

Because driving drunk is a choice and not an accident, the liability for any automobile accident, injury, or fatality which takes place as a result falls squarely on the shoulders of the person who chose to drive drunk. Far too often other drivers, motorcyclists, people on scooters, bikes, or pedestrians on foot have no warning a drunk driver is headed their way, and no opportunity to protect themselves from the devastating effects of being involved in a drunk driving accident.

Case Results

$500 K

Falling Object Injury Settlement

$500 K

Rear End Car Crash Settlement

$500 K

Padestrain Hit By Car Settlement

Why Choose Whalen Injury Lawyers?

At Whalen Injury Lawyers, we are experienced in drunk driving accidents and have obtained millions of dollars in settlements. We always strive to reach fair settlements for our clients, and establish direct, meaningful, trusted and reliable relationships. A criminal conviction of drunk driving does not provide the accident victims with any financial compensation for medical bills, lost wages or other losses.

If you or a loved one were injured by a drunk driver, you may have a legal right to seek financial compensation for your losses, but to do so, you will need an experienced drunk driving accident attorney to pursue a civil lawsuit against the driver demanding compensation for your losses. A personal injury case proceeds separately from a criminal prosecution. At Whalen Injury Lawyers, we know the devastating effects being involved in a drunk driving accident can bring, and we work closely with you to ensure that you get the medical treatment you need, the support you deserve, and the representation you rely on. We’re proud to be listed in the Top 100 Trial Lawyers in the nation by The National Trial Lawyers (NTL) and Top 100 High Stakes Litigators by America’s Top 100. We also take pride in our ranking among the Ten Best of 2018 in Colorado Attorney Client Satisfaction by the American Institute of Personal Injury Attorneys.

Contact Us

Our experienced drunk driving accident attorneys spent over a decade working at one of the largest personal injury firms in the West. When you need an experienced, compassionate, and aggressive drunk driving accident attorney with a proven track record of success who will fight for your best interests in the courtroom, contact us today. We are happy to offer you a free consultation with one of our qualified drunk driving accident lawyers. You can contact us locally in Colorado Springs by calling (719) 644-7000 to learn more. Our offices are conveniently located in the Alamo Corporate Center at 102 South Tejon Street, Suite 1100, Colorado Springs, CO 80903.

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