If you’ve spent any time on Denver’s streets, you’ve seen distracted drivers. Drivers who engage in other activities that take their attention away from their surroundings and endanger the driver, passengers, pedestrians, and people in other vehicles on the road. Distracted driving is the cause behind thousands of traffic accidents across the United States every year, in small towns, on highways, and in large cities like Denver. Cell phone usage is one of the most common sources of distracted driving, with texting as one of the worst offenders, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Teenagers were cited as the largest age group of distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes. During daylight hours, approximately 481,000 people use their cell phones while driving. This creates enormous potential for accidents, injuries, and fatal crashes on America’s roadways.
Our Denver distracted driving accident attorneys want everyone to be aware that the important task of driving requires the driver’s full and complete attention. Any activity such as adjusting or checking your GPS, texting, or changing radio stations could be a potential distraction and increase the risk of a fatal accident. A 2017 Denver Post article reported that an average of 40 distracted-driving crashes occurred each day during 2016.
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Anyone who is an injured victim in an auto accident may need the help of a Denver distracted driving accident attorney. Whether the distracted driver is handling a truck or a car and whether the injured party was also in a car, or was riding a bike or motorcycle, if the driver responsible for the accident was distracted and could have prevented the situation by paying attention then they are liable for the crash and the injured victim needs to obtain the services of a personal injury attorney to hold the defendant accountable for their injuries. If you believe you or a loved one has been involved in such an accident, call one of our Denver distracted driving accident attorneys for more information on how to receive compensation for damages or injuries.
Auto/Car Drivers: Unexpected situations can occur to even the most careful drivers and have the potential to injure or kill someone. Of these accidents, many occur because of dangerous drivers on the road who disregard safe driving practices and who operate their vehicles recklessly. Regular distracted driving can lead to serious car crashes where the injured party needs to hire a Denver distracted driving accident attorney for help.
Passengers: Passengers involved in motor vehicle accidents are also free to explore their options to receive compensation for the reckless decisions of others. Often, passengers are deemed innocent victims of the negligent driver – in their own car or in another offending vehicle that crashes into their car. If you or a loved one is an injured passenger in an auto accident, involve a Denver distracted driving accident attorney for legal counsel and representation.
Motorcyclists: Because motorcycles are smaller than cars, it can be easy for drivers to miss them due to blind spots and driver inattentiveness. Due to the increased risk of serious injury when involved in an accident with a motorcycle, the chances of these motorcyclists getting seriously injured in a crash by a distracted driver is very high!
Bicyclists: Bicyclists are required to adhere to a Share the Road law, which means they follow the same traffic laws that auto vehicles when riding on the road. Because of this and their smaller size, bicyclists can easily become the victim of a distracted driving incident. For the best representation in a case like this, contact our Denver distracted driving accident attorneys and we’ll help you earn your rightful compensation.
Pedestrians: On busy streets and roadways, it’s easy for a distracted driver to miss a pedestrian crossing the street and can often lead to catastrophic injury. In fact, for crashes involving pedestrians, the most common vehicle path upon collision is traveling straight. Don’t walk away from incidents like these without proper compensation. Let a Denver distracted driving accident attorney represent your case.
Distracted driving can be defined as any action that is taken while driving that draws away attention from the road. This can include actions ranging from texting, talking on the phone or to a passenger, watching videos, eating, reading, or looking after children and pets. While many people may feel confident in multi-tasking, driving is a task that requires full attention or else risks the safety of the driver and everyone else on the road. Our Denver distracted driving accident attorneys know that the only way to avoid this hazard is make certain that there are no distractions in the car when you begin driving and if a distraction appears that needs to be tended to right away that the driver pulls off to the side of the road to address it before continuing.
So, what are some ways to prevent being distracted on the road?
Use Bluetooth or Voice-Activation for your Phone: Using hand-held devices while driving is one of the leading causes that our Denver distracted driving accident attorneys see in cases for distracted driving accidents. Avoid using your phone while driving by setting up a Bluetooth device to take calls or using voice-activation to answer messages. Regardless, in the most ideal circumstance, if there is an emergency and you need to make a call, simply pull off to the side of the road and take care of the situation before continuing to drive. Under no circumstances should you text while operating a motor vehicle – this is reckless.
Be Sure Everyone is Buckled before Driving: If you are driving with children or pets, be sure you are following proper laws for car seats and booster seats and that everyone is buckled in before you get behind the wheel. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recommends that children up to 3 years old be kept in a rear-facing car seat, ages 1-7 kept in forward-facing car seats, and ages 4-12 use a booster seat, depending on weight. Leave the house early to be sure your kids are buckled in safely and are attended to so they do not cause distraction while you are driving.
According to the Colorado Department of Transportation (CODOT), distracted driving is the cause for an average of 42 crashes in Colorado every day. When a driver is distracted, lives are put at risk. The CODOT reports that in 2019, 15,143 crashes occurred in Colorado due to one or more of the drivers being distracted. Of these crashes, 4,361 people were injured and there were 39 fatalities. If you or someone you know has experienced one of these accidents, contact the professional Denver distracted driving accident attorneys at Whalen Injury Lawyers for representation by the best in the business.
Because of these unnerving statistics, the CODOT has launched the Distraction Reactions Campaign(https://www.codot.gov/safety/distracteddriving/distraction-reactions-campaign). Public opinion around distracted driving is lax, with more than 90% of surveyed Colorado drivers self-reporting to driving distracted to the CODOT in 2019. The goal of this campaign is to spread awareness of the dangers of distracted driving and change this indifferent perception. This is done with videos exhibiting reactions from witnessing the effects of distracted driving to help drivers empathize with the potential for disaster. Drive safe, and if another driver doesn’t do the same, then you have the Denver distracted accident attorneys at Whalen Injury Lawyers to back you up.
If you have been the victim of a distracted driving accident, you have a legal right to seek compensation for your losses, injuries, and damages. To do so, you’ll need an experienced Denver distracted driving accident attorney in Denver to effectively pursue a lawsuit against the party or parties responsible. Our skilled personal injury lawyers have recovered millions of dollars on behalf of our clients. At Whalen Injury Lawyers, we work closely with you to ensure you receive the support you deserve and the representation you rely on in a distracted driving accident case. Our Denver distracted driving accident attorneys take pride in being recognized as Colorado Super Lawyers, Top Forty Under 40 by the Denver Business Journal, Top Attorneys in Colorado by 5280, The Nation’s Top 1% by the National Association of Distinguish Counsel and Best Attorneys of America (RUE). Our lawyers are also proudly listed by the National Trial Lawyers Association (NTL) as Top 100 Trial Lawyers in the Nation and Top 40 Under 40 Trial Lawyers in the Nation.
When you need an experienced Denver distracted driving accident attorney with a proven track record of success who will fight for your best interests, contact us today. We’re happy to provide you with a free consultation with one of our successful distracted driving lawyers to discuss your legal options. Our Denver Tech Center offices are conveniently located at 7955 East Arapahoe Court, Suite 2375 in Centennial, CO 80112. You can reach us in Denver by calling (720) 307- 2666 to learn more. We look forward to helping you get the fair compensation
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