Colorado is a beautiful, scenic state, and popular with motorcycle owners. With over 200,000 registered motorcycles in the state, it’s not unusual to see people of all ages enjoying a bike ride on a sunny Colorado day. However, that many motorcycles on the road translate to a greater potential for motorcycle accidents. Studies show that in collisions involving a motorcycle, the motorcyclist has a 98% chance of being seriously injured.

Although there are precautionary steps you can take to help avoid a serious accident with injury, such as wearing brightly colored or reflective clothing, wearing a helmet, and diligently observing all traffic laws, the fact remains that motorcycles can sometimes seem invisible to other drivers, and you may not be able to avoid an accident no matter how observant or cautious you are on your motorcycle. Simply because motorcycles are smaller than cars, they are often missed by vehicle drivers due to blind spots and driver inattentiveness. When motorcycle accidents occur, it is important to contact a Denver motorcycle accident lawyer to protect your interests and gain compensation for any injuries or damage.

Denver Motorcycle Accident Statistics

In 2023, 134 motorcyclists suffered from fatal accidents on Colorado roadways, according to the Colorado Department of Transportation. These 134 fatalities accounted for 18 percent of all roadway deaths in the state that year, even though motorcycles accounted for only three percent of all vehicular traffic. For drivers, it’s always the utmost importance to remember to check for smaller vehicles like motorcycles or bicycles when changing lanes or taking turns. For riders, always follow traffic laws specifically pertaining to smaller vehicles and make sure your equipment is always up-to-date and performing up to or beyond expectations.

When an accident occurs with a motorcycle, the rider is often the one who sustains injuries and damage. When you need someone to represent you when a motorcycle accident occurs, contact our Denver motorcycle accident lawyers.

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Riding a Motorcycle Safely in Denver

Crashes between vehicles and motorcycles are quite common and unfortunately often lead to fatalities. Denver motorcycle accident lawyers often see these crashes typically occur at high speeds, which dramatically increases the risk that the motorcyclist either won’t walk away from the collision or at least could sustain catastrophic injury, even if they’re wearing safety gear. For example, our motorcycle accident attorneys have seen motorcyclists thrown through the air onto the roadway or into another vehicle or stationary object. In other instances, the motorcyclist can go under a vehicle or become pinned against a car. Even near-collisions with motorcyclists can result in injury as a rider loses control of their bike or tries to safely lay the bike down in a crash.

Wear protective gear: Our Denver motorcycle accident lawyers always recommend protective gear for all vehicle types. For a car, this means wearing a seatbelt and having a maintenance vehicle with operably airbags and standard safety equipment, but for motorcyclists, it refers to gear protecting exposed body parts. A helmet can protect you from head trauma, but thick, long pants and sleeves can prevent road burn, eye protection can prevent damage from shrapnel, and gloves can prevent degloving injuries.

Avoid bad weather: Motorcycles don’t have the same protection from the elements that covered vehicles do. This can impact visibility and control which can cause other motorists to potentially injure a motorcyclist on the roadway. This means that when it snows it can make it harder to control vehicles, and in heavy downpours, they can have obstructed visibility, which can be devastating for smaller vehicles in safely maneuvering the roadways. Our Denver motorcycle accident lawyers advise that if you are riding a motorcycle and the weather takes a turn for the worst, it is always safest to pull over to the side of the road or under a bridge to wait for the storm to pass. However, this is primarily due to other motorists unreasonably injuring a motorcyclist in these conditions because motorcyclists are vulnerable drivers on the road.

Visibility: Because of the smaller size of a motorcycle, riders should always assume that car and truck drivers are not paying careful attention to the traffic and may not see motorcyclists. Public awareness campaigns like Share the Road and Ride Sober or Get Pulled Over by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration should help raise awareness, but until then you still have your Denver motorcycle accident lawyers like Whalen Injury Lawyers to stand up for you.

Common Causes of Denver Motorcycle Accidents

If you live in the Denver area and become involved in a motorcycle accident, whether as a result of the above factors or not, you need experienced, knowledgeable legal advice from a qualified Denver motorcycle accident lawyer. Whalen Injury Lawyers has a team of dedicated Denver motorcycle accident lawyers who are recognized leaders in Colorado Personal Injury Law. Our skilled motorcycle accident attorneys understand how overwhelming an accident can be, and how much a top-notch Denver motorcycle injury lawyer can help. When you’re involved in a motorcycle accident, there’s a good chance you will suffer serious injury that can affect your ability to work, provide for your family, and enjoy the quality of your life. Avoid common causes for motorcycle accidents whenever you can.

Traffic violations: When a traffic violation occurs and another driver fails to correct themselves in time, accidents are caused. With motorcycles, even small accidents or collisions can cause fatal injuries, so look out for motor vehicle drivers who may appear inattentive or not being observant while driving because they can cause serious injury to a motorcyclist.

Careless and reckless driving: This includes both automobile and motorcycle drivers: when a driver or rider does not pay attention to the road as they drive they cause reckless conditions and circumstances that make the road dangerous for themselves and others on the road. When another vehicle operator engages in reckless driving that leads to accidents, call a Denver motorcycle accident lawyer to protect you and your interests.

Driving under the influence: This law applies to all vehicles operated on a road or highway. From the largest of trucks to the smallest of bicycles, if you are sharing the road then you need to be attentive and sober to avoid accidents that are otherwise avoidable.

Driver inattentiveness or fatigue: Drivers who are distracted or tired are far more likely to make mistakes while driving that can lead to collisions and fatal accidents. Whether you are driving an automobile or a motorcycle, if you need to check your phone or feel yourself growing tired, our Denver motorcycle accident lawyers recommend that you pull off to the side of the road.

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Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries:

Most collisions involving a motorcycle driver result in some form of injury or, at worst, fatality. It’s important that when you or a loved one is involved in a motorcycle accident that they see a healthcare provider for any noticeable or unseen and undiagnosed injuries they may have sustained as the result of a motorcycle crash. Some of the most common motorcycle accident injuries include:

  • Head injuries
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Spinal injuries
  • Internal injuries
  • Fractures
  • Road Rash
  • Degloving injuries
  • Joint Injuries

Motorcycle accident injuries can range drastically, from road rash and smaller fractures caused in smaller accidents to traumatic brain and spinal injuries from higher speed collisions if they do not cause fatalities.

A Denver motorcycle accident lawyer can help you find the right medical care for your injuries so you can focus on your treatment and get better. Our motorcycle accident attorneys can also advise you about the strict timelines that apply to a lawsuit while positioning your case to maximize your compensation and advising you on the value of your injury claim.

Remember that your personal health should always come first when it comes to accidents. And while you are recovering, allow an experienced Denver motorcycle accident lawyer like Reeves D. Whalen to represent you to receive compensation for your injuries and damages. Whalen Injury Lawyers cares about you and your family and will strive to bring you the compensation you deserve from a traumatic experience like a motorcycle accident.

Case Results

$200 K

Motor Vehicle Settlement

$500 K

Rear End Truck Accident Settlement

$500 K

Padestrain Hit By Car Settlement

Why Choose Whalen Injury Lawyers?

If you or a loved one has experienced a collision caused by the negligence of another driver while riding a motorcycle you can seek personal injury damages in a lawsuit. If the collision involved an underinsured or uninsured motorist, the injured rider may seek compensation from their own insurance company. These claims require extensive knowledge about the motorcycle insurance contracts that afford insurance coverages, in some instances UM and UIM coverages can apply to a motorcycle accident through another covered vehicle in your household or through another policy held by a member of your household.

Too often, big insurance companies try to settle motorcycle accident claims quickly, hoping to avoid paying for past and future medical expenses of the injured parties and a universe of damages unknown to injured victims that they have a right to claim in their injury case. Our award-winning personal injury firm represents clients like you against these insurance companies and corporations because we aren’t afraid to take on these large corporations on your behalf and demand justice in your case. We also have a long history of winning substantial judgments, verdicts and settlements for our clients. Our Denver motorcycle accident lawyers have accomplished attorneys and have result-driven success in Colorado Personal Injury Law. We have represented hundreds of clients and have obtained millions of dollars in motorcycle injury settlements as their motorcycle accident attorneys.

Our Denver motorcycle accident lawyers offer a different approach to personal injury representation. Reeves D. Whalen works to establish direct, meaningful, trusted, and reliable relationships with you, our clients. We work closely with you to ensure that you get the medical treatment you need, the support you deserve, and the representation your families depend on from our Denver motorcycle accident lawyers.

Contact Us

When you need an experienced, empathetic, qualified Denver motorcycle injury lawyer with a proven track record of success who will fight for you in the courtroom to get you what you deserve, contact us today. You can reach us at (720) 307-2666 to speak with our motorcycle accident attorney in Denver and learn more.



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